Friday, October 9, 2009

U.S. started a vaccination against H1N1

WASHINGTON - After months of preparation, a new flu vaccine in the United States is ready. A smaller number of vaccines today to give a few locations.

However, many do not rush to stand in line for vaccination, arise from the Serbian Voice of America editorial. Namely, the initial amount is so small that most of the state reserves the vaccine for health workers and a number of children.
Ĺ eststo thousands of doses of nasal spray and 6 to 7 million injection is ready for the United States, and another 40 to 50 million will arrive in coming weeks.

"It is clear that this is the most ambitious vaccination against influenza has ever undertaken in the United States or the world," said William Safner, the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

On the list of priorities for vaccination are pregnant women, health workers, young people from 6 months to 24 years and people with chronic diseases such as asthma, obesity and diabetes.

"I'd like people to understand that we should urgently be vaccinated. I think that is important. This is not something that should be disposed of six months, "as Mel Kon from the Department of Public Health of the State of Oregon.

However, recent research has shown that about 60 percent of adults are not sure that will be vaccinated, and about 40 percent of parents still do not know whether to vaccinate their children. Even some doctors advise patients to postpone vaccination.

Yet we do not know how good the vaccine. There are many unknowns, "points out pediatrician Arja Rubin.

However, an editor for health and medical news program TV network ABC, Dr. Richard Bezer, convinced that the vaccine is safe and plans to their children vaccinated. He believes that pregnant women should wait for the injection of the vaccine.

"Nasal spray contains live virus that is safe for pregnant women. For them is perfectly safe injections, "said Bezer.

By mid secured months will be at least 40 million doses of vaccine against the H1N1 virus.

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