Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Leeches better than antibiotics: To draw worm disease from the body

Leeches better than antibiotics: To draw worm disease from the body

People have for centuries treated with leeches. Then it is sent to the pharmaceutical industry into oblivion.
maybe I make them and we just mentioned in the stories that from Russia to Serbia two decades ago has not arrived Dr. Natalia Gusla Petric (50), an anesthesiologist, a specialist in acupuncture, homeopathy and HIRUDOTERAPIJA, and their patients began to heal so they put the body of this small, black worms that suck human blood and extracted disease.

Like any pioneering venture, the return of leeches to the Serbs did not immediately encountered with understanding.
Dr. Natalia reveals that initially were yelling and screaming, but the result is that the patients had at the end of therapy failed to defeat their fears.
Yesterday at her office visited by many people from all over the former Yugoslavia, and appointments are scheduled months in advance.
- The leech is a recognized remedy in many countries, in Russia, Germany, Austria ... When I began to deal HIRUDOTERAPIJA, was known only 25 enzymes leeches that positively affect the body, and today there are 500

One cure sterility
When leeches do its job in therapy, it is destroyed and so is also called "injection of life." In St. Petersburg in her honor erected a monument. And in America, where this method of treatment has not been accepted, things have changed since 2004. year.
then the public attention the story about a boy whose dog bit off his ear.
surgeons were able to accuse his ear, but his body did not want to accept it. Then the place to put leeches and everything was fine.
treatment with leeches know all religions, is described in the "Bible" and "Koran". Chinese hirudoterapiju counted as his method. Egyptian Queen Cleopatra was pregnant thanks to leeches.
Consequently they are drawn on the walls of Pharaonic tombs. Soldiers have been using leeches lifesaving infection when antibiotics are not even there.
- In Russia they gynecologists actively used in the treatment of gynecological problems, putting them directly on the uterus. That someone might sound terrible, but when a woman can not get pregnant, it would try - story.

When leeches do its work in therapy, it is destroyed
Love her in the Belgrade
Dr Natalia admits that she was initially suspicious, until itself is not assured in the beneficial effects of leeches.
- When I was a colleague in St. Petersburg, when I worked at the local emergency center, talked about the leeches , I thought he was crazy. She, however, was persistent, and I said to myself, "Okay, let's try it." My mom first noticed the change and she said, "God, draw blood from you, and you've got so much energy."
After that, Dr. Natalia herself began to see the effects of this treatment.
- The first stress is gone, and now I'm absolutely sure that these little creatures changed my mind. You get to know them better, more fascinated them. Knowledge of leeches Natalija acquired at the university since the HIRUDOTERAPIJA Russia recognized as an official medical methods.
- There is a World Health Organization hirudologa, of which I am a member. Experts in this area meet every year in congresses organized in Israel, Canada, Russia ...
Life made ​​sure that Dr. Natalia, instead of in Russia, their knowledge is applied exactly in Serbia. Her future husband, a civil engineer from Belgrade, met at the hospital where she lay after a tonsillectomy.
admits that it was love at first sight. Strong enough for her to leave St. Petersburg and come to Belgrade.
- I met our mutual acquaintances. I fell in love as soon as I saw him, and then followed the wedding, we got three beautiful daughters. They now have 20, 18 and 14. Unfortunately, my husband died 12 years ago - a story. - Our youngest daughter, then aged two years.
was the most difficult period in the life of our interlocutors. But not surrendered, it worked in her spirit očeličen in icy water of the White Sea.
- My husband is an only child. After his death, my mother in law came to live with us. I could not just leave my life in Belgrade and go. With me were, fortunately, were great friends who helped me get out of this terrible situation. Now I have double roots, here in Russia.

Lifting without a scalpel
leech is a worm that feeds on blood and nature of the attack tritone, frogs and other animals.
- In the mouth has three jaws with zubićima use to cut the skin and sucking blood. The area designated by the physician, this smart little animal unerringly finds the biologically active points and clings to just in that place, giving an effect similar to acupuncture. Leeches injected into the blood of a unique complex of enzymes that stimulate internal organs, heal and rejuvenate them. These enzymes in the skin caused by the disintegration of the old collagen and replace it with a new flexible, giving the effect of lifting, but after three or four therapies - explains Dr. Natalia Gusla Petric.
Toughening in the White Sea
Her love of Serbia and Belgrade was emerging gradually. Today is sincere and deep.
- For me, the first time in Serbia, was a shock. No matter what the Russians and Serbs are a Slavic people, we are very different.
Initially she could not accept Serbia, only fantasized about Russia.
Upon second coming, she realized that she in fact Serbia is not given a chance.
- Now I love it and I believe that Belgrade has a special magic. My daughter recently went to Russia to visit my grandmother and she told me when she came back, "Mom, I saw from the plane how nice our Belgrade."
For the power of your mind and body Natalia is grateful to the parents who had steeled still a baby polivajući the icy water of the White Sea.
- Dad was a military man, a submarine captain, and my family at the time of my birth she found in the White Sea. Mom is a doctor, a pediatrician, and she is most responsible for the fact that I grew into a strong person.
From an early age it harden, splashed her with cold water, and gave her to eat ice cream at minus 30 ..
- I've never been sick. She insisted that I go regularly to the sport, especially swimming. I remember the huge snow in St. Petersburg, he was not an obstacle to daily swim in the pool. If I sometimes asked for an excuse not to go to training, my mom used to say: "Finish what you started."

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