Sunday, June 28, 2009

Musavi not partial count of votes

Iranian presidential candidate defeated Mirhosein Musavi on Saturday rejected a proposal for the government partially re-count votes in elections and again asked for full cancellation of elections.

Supreme legislative body of Iran, the keeper, offered to re-count 10 percent of the votes from the 12th presidential election June in the presence of prominent officials and government and the opposition.

"Their way of re-counting will not remove the ambiguity. There is no other way except for cancellation of voting. Some members of the Commission are not objective," Musavi said in the statement, published on its Web site.

Other defeated candidate Mehdi Karubi also rejected the proposal of partial counting of the votes, said Reuters.

Keeper of the Council stated on Friday that the presidential election, which is a convincing victory claimed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, with no major irregularities and that they were "najzdraviji" elections held in this country since the Islamic revolution in 1979. year.

Ahmadinejad warned that, during the second term of office, take a sharper attitude to the West zažalio which is interfering in matters Tehran.

"Without a doubt, the new Iranian government will take odlučniji and harder attitude towards the West. This time, the answer Iranskog people will be sharper and odlučniji to West repented because of their interference," said Iranian news agency IRNA Ahmadinejad words.

Since the official proclamation of results of presidential elections in Iran last large-scale street demonstrations.

In the demonstrations, not seen any of chess and overturn the Islamic declaration of 1979, has so far lost their lives about 20 people, and arrested several hundred, while the police continue to use violent measures to prevent protests.

In Tehran on Saturday is any peacefull and life is slowly returning to normal.

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