Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pentagon reviews the existing nuclear arsenal before signing a new agreement with Russia

Barack Obama President of the United States pressure the state to the top as soon determine the number of nuclear warheads that will be found in the text of the new agreement with Russia. It is expected that the number dratično be reduced from the current limit than 2,200 missiles, and officials say that before them a very complex task of maintaining the existing balance estimates Forces

Washington has started a review of its own nuclear arsenal before the expected signing of a new agreement with Moscow appropriate to reduce the number of strategic nuclear forces, since the current START treaty, signed 1991st year, says 5th December.

Last Pentagon list its nuclear arsenal 2,001th , when it was concluded that the U.S. military should have to stand between 1700 and 2200 nuclear warheads, a figure which, according to the findings of the former Bush administration, should provide a comfortable platform for Americans in the negotiations with Russia regarding the reduction of nuclear danger.

Today, this issue came back on the agenda of Russian-American negotiations, and the Pentagon has the task to determine which is the lower limit missiles, strategic bombers and submarines, which should be in the arsenal of both countries, how much money is needed to spend in their modernization and what is most important, what are the implications of change on the world geopolitical map, where even small states are beginning to rattle nuclear weapons.

Consensus on the expected rapid reduction of strategic nuclear forces is not at all easy to achieve. Some officials involved in negotiations said that several important factors in the negotiations, including specialists from the executive, the Congress, and from the army and military laboratories strongly divided on this issue. Although U.S. President Barack Obama says that his long-term goal of completely eliminating nuclear weapons, there are serious disagreements about how fast the pace of reduction of nuclear weapons should go, given the status of the U.S. as the greatest superpower that must be the maintenance of peace in the world .

The debate is about the form that leads to new nuclear weapons could have. Some military planners are advocating for the introduction of a new generation of safer and more reliable nuclear warheads, while some U.S. administration officials fear that building new nuklearki undermined their efforts to reduce nuclear weapons. The issues are the focus of debate in the Pentagon not only concern the number of nuclear warheads, but some preventive measures, and redeployment planning antiraketnih shields.

Addressing this important issue by the American administration has come at a time of struggle with the negative effects of the global financial crisis, reform health care and solving problems of climate change.

Senior officials of the Ministry of Defense confirmed that the revision of the entire nuclear arsenal of the country in progress. Obama has stated his vision in April in Prague when he said he would make sure to reduce the significance of nuclear arms in international politics, and that in the long run to work on its complete removal.

Draft Agreement in Moscow

The draft agreement on reducing nuclear weapons that were in Moscow this summer, signed by the presidents of the United States and the Russian Federation, Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev, the two sides committed themselves to reduce the total number dugometnih nuclear warheads to 1500-1675 in the next seven years, which is significantly less than the limit of 2200, previously agreed 2002nd year for the ten-year period, until 2012. year. United States during the sixties, at the height of Cold War politics, had more than 32,000 expertly treated nuclear warheads, but their number is drastically reduced to signing the first agreement on reducing strategic nuclear forces (START) 1991. year, to 10,500. Federation of American Scientists (FAS) recently announced that the U.S. has already reduced the number of strategic nuclear forces in 2200, three years before it was provided for the previous agreement. It is expected that the new agreement is signed in December this year and that the number of missiles dugometnih be further reduced in comparison to the one agreed in the summer draft, and some even considered the figure of long-range missiles 500-1100.

Divided opinions

"For some government officials that this is not enough to reduce, for some, again, this is too much and too fast," said one source Minisatrstva Defense Washington Post. Another source, again, warns that not only reduce the number of nuclear warheads, but also about finding the right balance in relation to power. "After the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the development of new conventional weapons, the traditional goals of nuclear weapons have become less relevant," says Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association. "We can and must reduce the total number of nuclear warheads that are necessary to maintain the balance of forces", he added. During the last decades of the American leaders like to make unambiguous statements regarding its nuclear policies - like those you could execute the attack, as and how in cases of threats which could reach the worst option. "I would like to omeđimo our leaders," said one Pentagon official, adding that politicians must have "more options available.

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