Friday, September 25, 2009

The riots before the G20 summit in Pittsburgh

U.S. police on Thursday in Pittsburgh used tear gas to dispersed about 2,000 demonstrators who gathered before the G20 summit group despite warnings that will be used for riot force.

"You must leave the area, regardless of your intentions," the police warned the demonstrators hour after the start of the protests, and warned to use tear gas and other "nesmrtonosnu force."

As the protesters drove down the street with police clashed with them about 1.6 kilometers away from the place where the G20 summit held.

Demonstrators threw bottles, and police responded with firing tear gas dispersed the crowd that.
The leaders of 19 major countries and the developed and developing countries and the EU on Thursday and Friday to consider the G20 summit on financial system reform in order to avoid a new global economic crisis.

President of the USA Barack Obama who is the host of the summit arrived on Thursday afternoon from New York to Pittsburgh.

World leaders of the 20 most developed countries should, as expected, to verify the larger role of Asian countries in the world economy.

Since the leaders of European countries are expected to reach an agreement on one of their priorities - the restriction of bonuses for bankers.

The leaders of the developed countries, began a summit dedicated to the global recovery, and assesses the historical turning point that will confirm the growing influence of the new Asian economic superpower - China, South Korea and India.

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