Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dramatic rescue from the hands of journalists Taliban

American journalist daily New York Times, Stephen Farrell, who was kidnapped several days ago in Afghanistan, was freed in the operation of U.S. Special Forces in Afghanistan, announced on Wednesday the local authorities.

Farrell and Sultan Mohammad Afghani journalist abducted on Saturday in the Afghan province of Kunduz, in northern countries, where they reported on the recent NATO bombing which killed several dozen people, mostly civilians. Local authorities reported that the operation of special U.S. forces from Tuesday evening Farrell released, but Mohammad was killed Taliban.

"The operation in the district Čardara, U.S. special forces managed to liberate Farrell, but the Taliban were killed during the operation Afghan journalists, said the Kunduz governor Mohammad Omar. One avganistanki journalist who was on site during the operation of releasing journalists said that when shares of American special forces killed several civilians, including women and children. New York Times on Wednesday announced that their journalist reported at 7:30 by the time the American editors of external columns with words that has been released. Farej the editors Susan Cira said he was "carried out" after the action of American commandos, and the scene was "more troops".

In the second call New York Times correspondent in Kabul, Farrell described the sequence of events that preceded his release. "We've closed in the room and one time the Taliban istrčali out, it was clear that during a surprise attack against allies. We thought that would kill us and we thought that we should be ran out. "- Said Farrell. He further stated that he and Munadi istrčali out where the rain bullets flew above their heads.

"METC are flying all around us, I heard voices and avganistankih British soldiers. We ran toward them, crying that we are journalists, at one point I fell into a ditch, "recounts Farrell. Then, according to him, everything started to hear voices clearly britasnkih soldiers, rescue was certain, however, his Afghan counterpart, was not so lucky, only two meters from Farrell lay the motionless body of the Sultan Mohamad. New York Times reporter could not verify whether hitci who hit the Sultan came on the Allied side or the Taliban. Otherwise, this is not the first time that Farrell was in the hands of militant hijackers, 2004. he was kidnapped in Iraq while he was reporting for the London Times.

Defense Minister of Great Britain has confirmed that an Allied soldier killed during a dramatic rescue operation kidnapovanog journalists, thus the number of British soldiers killed this year climbed to 213th From the ministry did not want to confirm that the British special forces led the operation, but said that they conducted military action of NATO.

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