Confession: Antidepressants are not cured me, we have created a terrible addiction
Forty-nine Caroline Ashraf for three decades was taking antidepressants. Established she was diagnosed with clinical depression, and doctors believed that drugs are the best way to beat the disease. Nonetheless, this woman even after 30 years failed to overcome psychological problems. Finally decided to try another method of treatment-participation in support groups suffering from depression. The question is whether any medication was necessary.
Caroline wants people with similar problems indicate that antidepressants are not the only way to cope with depression and are not the most effective solution
Caroline started taking antidepressants when she was only 17 years old, did not even imagine that they will use the next three decades. Has sought medical help because she could not cope with dissatisfaction and apathy. Being her mother suffered from depression, I knew the symptoms of this disease.
- Unlike my peers, I've never been a cheerful, happy and physically active, I often changed the mood. One minute I'd be hyperactive, and in the following I would lie, I was exhausted, tearful, irritable, I could not get out of bed or talk to people-said Caroline.
doctors were aware of her family history before prescribing antidepressants. They decided that they are the best for her, but she was not at all tasteful.
- taking the medication even though I felt cut off from reality and I had terrible vertigo-she added.
Ms. Ashraf is taking antidepersive and fakulettu. After graduation, six years it was not used. She became an accountant and met my wife. In 1991. when he started a new job, mood swings are resurfaced. Physician changed her therapy and recommended her to take Prozac.
- I took it for six years, but they were kontole every three months, it suited me and my ll-stabilized, which allowed me to lead a normal life. I married and had a son William who is now 17 years-she told Caroline.
however, she soon began to violently so the doctor switched her medication and prescribed seroxat. Positive effects of the new drug lasted until 2003rd when there are new problems. Caroline began to plague suicidal thoughts, and on the recommendation of a physician, returned to her Prozac therapy.
- Eight weeks while I took seroxat I had unbearable abdominal pain, headache and dizziness due to which I could not drive and go to work-she told .
Her first marriage to 2002nd collapsed (as it stands out not because of the depression). Her second husband Feri was very understanding of her disease. Finally, in December last year, stopped taking his medication and began life without pills. When the left drugs, was not put in the fully effects on the process of detoxification. She believes that her group to assist very helpful.
Due to its decades of experience Caroline wants that now people with similar problems indicate that antidepressants are not the only way to cope with depression, and the example shows that certainly are not the most effective.
More and more often incorrect assessment DOCTOR
This 49 woman, a tax manager from *** is not an isolated case. It was just one of the many middle-class women who have had to cope with addiction to anti-depressants.
Though the shocking fact that this woman thirty years taking pills for depression, her experience is not so unusual. Number of adults accustomed to the use of antidepressants increases. NHS has announced that last year in the UK betrayed about 47 million prescriptions for this type of drug, 9 percent more than the previous one.
Among suffering the highest number of women who are affected by the epidemic of taking the pill. One in three women in one period of his life using drugs, while one in ten men opt for this kind of help to treat psychological problems.
the fairer sex getting in the forties are exposed to twice the risk of developing depression. Some stručnajci argue that the chances of increasing the pressures of modern life, motherhood and financial problems. Other eskperts point out that salvation in seeking remedies for emotional problems and lifestyle changes.
Unfortunately, it often happens that due to wrong diagnosis begins with the use of antidepressants. A large number of diseases physicians characterize as a depression. With false assessments come and inadequate remedies.
- For clinical depression is no cure, but it is only fourth of people with this diagnosis really depressed-emphasizes Mandy Saligari, director of the hospital "Charter Dtay Care."
large number of doctors prescribe antidepressants without proper evaluation, mental illnesses are very complex, but doctors often do not have proper management training. Inadequate therapy is a way to beat the disease.
thousands of women because of this practice is used inadequate therapy. Antidepresivs help them to somehow deal with the problems and continue with life, but they do not eliminate the cause of their illness.
Recent studies show that a large number of patients taking antidepressants for at least five years, a quarter of them used for 10 years or more. These drugs are unfortunately easily as the only real cure. The figures show that an increase of users are expected. While some claim that antidepressants are not addictive, many experts point out that their intake is a habit. addiction that occurs is physical or psychological causes. Over time, the body can no chemicals, and the patient begins to believe that the problems can not be overcome without. For example like Caroline a lot. An increasing number of women Reveals that had bad experiences with antidepressants for which they were occurred arrhythmias, confusion, forgetfulness and loss of libido.