Saturday, December 28, 2013

Healthy snacks are fattening

Healthy snacks are fattening

Try to lose weight and dropped you from eating most foods that are known to be high in fat and sugar. However, many healthy snacks of dried fruit, yogurt, and even salads, contain hidden calories that we forgot to count.

Water flavor: Do not forget that these waters contain sugar, and therefore a lot of calories (about one such water bottle has 270 calories).

Energy bars: They are a great replacement for a snack, slow release energy, as well as vitamins and minerals, sugars and fats that give them a taste, but enhance their energy value (average energy bars is 200-350 kcal).

Coffee with milk: It's beautiful and the most beautiful morning begins with it. But milk and sugar, or non-caloric space maker, can turn into a drink that has less calories as snacks.
Salads: Although made ​​from vegetables, does not mean you are automatically low in calories. Dressing of oil or cream sauce, roasted pieces of bread, ham and chunks of meat that we put into it are full of fat and sugar.
Nuts: They are an excellent source of vitamin E, for meritorious for our good looks, as well as iron, magnesium and protein. Besides slow release energy and have a high amount of fat (100 g of peanuts has 600 calories, nuts, about 620 kcal, 670 kcal hazelnuts and almonds around 580 kcal).

Soup out of the bag: food in liquid form is not always diet. This primarily relates to the soup out of the bag, especially those creams that contain a lot of fat.

Fruit juices: They are a great vitamin bomb, but can not drink safely as water. Especially those that contain preservatives purchase, a lot of sugar, and therefore have a lot of calories. The same applies to smoothies, particularly those that are made ​​from yoghurt and banana.

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