Thursday, August 13, 2009

Horn "seen" in the sea near Haifa

Israel is these days obuzelo feverish interest after reports that a mythical sea creature, mermaid, seen the end of the Mediterranean Sea coast, not far from Haifa, in the north of the country.
Municipality Kiriath-demand reports realized this very seriously, ponudivši prize of a million dollars to anyone who can prove the existence of mermaid in the waters of Israel. The council said that in the last few months SIRENA seen even 12 times. MERMAID "Many people say that we are sure you have seen the horn, and they have no connection with each other," said municipality spokesman Nati Zilberman foreign journalists. The horn was observed only at sunset, according to reports in the media, which attract thousands of people with cameras and cameras to try to "take" at least in the clip. "People say that it was half girl, half-fish, which as a leaping dolphin. It performs a variety of tricks, and then disappear," said Zilberman.
On the question of whether a rational explanation that is still only about the dolphin, or a large fish, he said decisively: "They have a female figure, it looks like a young girl." The municipality of origin that was later offered a reward only for publicity, but is said to be a mermaid could certainly attract more tourists. Catch half fish, half the girls it is not necessary, it is enough that the photos proverljiva said Zilberman. On the question of how municipalities can pay that amount is answered: "I believe that if the maid is here, then so many people and tourists come in Kiriath-Jam, will collect more money from one million dollars."

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