Thursday, August 13, 2009

NASA has no means of tracking hazardous asteroida

NASA would need to trace and to follow all the asteroid, which represent a potential threat to Earth, but there is no financial support for the realization of this task, the report published today in the American Academy of Science.

Academy in the report reminds us that the Congress four years ago with the American space agency up to task in 2020. The establishment of control over 90 percent of the land dangerous nebeskih body, but it does not give financial resources necessary for the construction of telescopes, the American media report.

The agency NASA emphasized that without the budget managed to do a third of the work with the existing system for telescopic observation. NASA estimated at about 20,000 the number of asteroida and comets in the sun with the diameter of over 140 meters and potentially dangerous for the country. Scientists have managed to do a map of the 6000 buildings.
Rock diameter of 140 meters to one kilometer to destroy the entire region, but not the planet, said Linda Johnson, director of NASA programs for monitoring facilities in the vicinity of Zemljinoj.

American Academy of Science report zamera American government does not do much to calm down the public, upset disaster films like "Armageddon" and asteroida whose path in recent years were in a very small distance from the Earth.
Academy, however, stressed that the American government, which is practically the only trying to do something about this problem.

Johnson said that NASA to calculate it for asteroida localization, as the law required it to 2020. year should be around 800 million dollars, which would be used to build the world telescope or boot space for observation.
NASA has not received anything and could never happen to anything and not gain, warned John Logsdon, professor of space policy at the University of "George Washington".

At this time in the near Zemljinoj NASA has identified five large buildings enough to cause significant destruction, for which there is a potential danger of one million according to the collision with our planet.
Views astronomers in charge of them are facing up to a rock diameter of 131 meters, for which there is the possibility of one to 3000 to swipe to the country in 2048. and according to two times more asteroid "Apofis, for which there is a possibility of one to 43,000 to collisions with the Earth in 2036, 2037 or 2069. year.

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